Sunday, January 13, 2013


I read this 1 article. It really touched me. He did mentioned about DO'A. Kadang-kadang kita, bila Allah realisasikan hajat kita, kita suka mengimbau usaha-usaha kita.

"Allah syg aku. sbb tu aku minta ape je, Allah makbulkan"
"Xsie2 aku buat solat hajat bagai. Aku da agak da, kejayaan ni mmg milik aku"

Tanpa sedar kita Bongkak. Riak. Takabbur. Tapi kita sedar tak? Mana tau yang Allah makbulkan do'a itu adalah do'a dari ibu bapa, do'a dari guru-guru kita, do'a adik beradik kita, do'a sahabat-sahabat kita. Bukannya do'a kita. Mungkin do'a orang lain yang lebih bersih hatinya, lebih suci jiwanya yang makbul, menyebabkan rahmat Allah tumpah pada diri kita. 

So, janganlah sombong sgt. Jangan pernah berhenti berdo'a, mintalah pada-Nya. Jgn lupe gak berdo'a untuk org lain. Xkene byr pon. Sekadar tanda ingatan kita kepada org sekeliling, apetahlagi kpd org2 yg by jasanya kpd kita - especially Guru. Dan jangan rasa segan nak minta orang lain doakan kita. Semoga kita sama2 berada di bawah lembayung rahmat-Nya. InsyaAllah.. aaminn.. (^___^)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

:: SRK Ohsem!!! ♥ ::

"Chammak challo" (Official video song) 'Ra.One' Shahrukh khan, Kareena Kapoor

Juz realize this song!! And by the time I wanna watch this muvie @ cinema, it's already over! demmm!!! (T__T)

I really wanna see this muvie~~ huhuhu~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

:: Wishlist ::


Her3~ [evil laugh!]

From my calculation, it just left 45days to my 26th BIRTHDAY!!! Weehuuu~ \(^o^)/

Seriously can't wait to make my wishlist this year. ngeee~ XD

Well, from islamic calender, my birthday should be far away from the Gregorian dates:-

You entered: 9 / 3 / 1986
The conversion result is: Sunday 28 Jumaada al-THaany 1406 A.H.

and referred to islamic dates, my bday is on 19 May 2012.

You entered: 28 / 6 / 1433
The conversion result is: Saturday 19 May 2012 C.E

Pls don't mind the dates. Anyway, i'll be celebrating my bday twice a year thou. lalalalala~

My wishlist present? Hurm... honestly I've been searching for a great3 gifts in the internet.. but literally I'm not interested in any of them. As I may wish... I hope that I can find my soul mate this year... If not, spending time with people who loves me would be very great enough for me. (^__^)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

:: Move Like Tiger~ wohoooooooo~ ::

Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger ft. Christina Aguilera

Being insprired by those great & positive motivators at Taipan 181 after attending the class this morning. Terbaek ahhh!!

Yoshhhhhhhh! Let's be like them, CTN! Gambatte neee~ \(^o^)/

Thursday, January 12, 2012

:: BR Challenge - Introduction ::

Salam~ ♥

Juz a lil update on my current status. On last 1st Jan 2012, I've been challenged by sumone to loss my weight within a year! Yup, u heard me rite! hohoho. But instead, that person had already bribe me with BR ice-cream as a starter... sedap gile weh! Bertambah sedap coz orang yang belanja~ ngeee~ XD

Actually I've already started my diet scheme since last Dec. Not many changes can be seen now but I do admit that a FEW of my cloth is a bit loose than ever. Yeah, I know that my weight won't decrease drastically but I do realize that whenever I'm on diet scheme, my body becomes more fit and shaped nicely, which I am truly happy with the results! yay~ \(^.~)/

My short term target is to reduce another 5kg within 2weeks! As an intro, i'll attached 1 of my pic from d day i started my diet program and new latest pic.

p/s: What? The secrets? Not telling now~ =P

pic taken last dec on hifa's weds

vacay @ terengganu last 7Jan

Friday, January 6, 2012

Suara Merdu Yang Menyeramkan

I do appreciate nice hearing voice.. BUT this one... errr.. [failed to digest!] (x_X)